You received an order! Now what? When a buyer submits an order, you will immediately receive an email with the order details. To view and fulfill the order, navigate to Orders in your portal:
Select the appropriate Order # to view the order in detail. (Before order fulfillment, be sure your Payout Settings information is correct and complete.) To fulfill the order, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Edit Order/Add Shipping
At the top of the order page, selecting this button will bring you to an 'Edit Order' page that allows for product quantity editing (if necessary) and inputting the shipping cost.
If you need to backorder a product from the order, select the drop-down for "Quantity Not in Stock," enter quantity, and label as "Backorder." Use the calendar to select the approximate date that the product will be available or back in stock.
To cancel a product(s) that is no longer available, select "Cancel" (calendar does not appear for this).
At the bottom of the Edit Order page, add shipping cost in the appropriate field (cannot exceed 40% of order total):
STEP 2: Validate Payment
By selecting this button, you will validate the buyer's payment method and prepare order for shipment. You cannot go back to edit the order or add shipping cost after this step is confirmed. (As you progress, Step 1 and Step 2 buttons will be inactive.)
Before moving on to the last step, you will be required to enter Carrier and Tracking number. Once the information is saved you can move to Step 3.
STEP 3: Mark as Shipped
*Please make sure to print invoice from your portal and place in box.
(Your bank will receive payout within approximately 21 business days upon order completion.)